Operate faster

A better design

Imagine if your autonomous car took pictures of the road, saved them in a database, and made driving decisions by searching through that database. This is how traditional SIEMs operate. Fluency is the only SIEM designed to always analyze and interact with data in the stream, ensuring faster, more accurate decision-making without relying on past snapshots.

Alerts are processed in nanoseconds, with no need to schedule searches or wait for others to finish. The results are available instantly.
Stateful Modeling.
By maintaining a User-Entity state, the system continuously learns from previous significant events and can trigger alerts based on these patterns.
Fluency easily scales to meet high demands. Our largest customer tracks and receives real-time notifications for over 1.6 million entities.
Product screenshot

Fluency Features by Plan

Commercial: Tailored for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and provided as a managed service, supporting as few as five assets.

Enterprise: Designed for large organizations, offering full configurability to meet specific needs.

Multi-Tenant: Built for service providers, enabling them to monitor and manage security for multiple tenants.

Feature Description Commercial Enterprise Multi-Tenant
OverviewRisk Scoring System to Hightlight and Track Significant EventsYesYesYes
Real TimeAnalysis is done in real time, not based on snapshots.YesYesYes
ReportingPresent custom Dashboards and reports.ViewCreate/ViewCreate/View
Data LakeFull Searchable data storage (365+ searchable).365365+365+
MetricsDefine and generating Promethius and Grafana Metrics.NoYesYes
ConnectionsAblity to gather data from data sources.Predefined by MSSPProgramableProgramable
InterfaceFeature Set.View OnlyView and ConfigurationSingle View of all Tenants and Partners
Multi-TenantThe ability to manage multiple sites in multiple countries.NoRole-Based AccessTenant, Partner, Global